Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Tips to complete your PHD theses in 3 years

Tips taken from fb Prof Ismail Said :)

1. Consistent in your routine and do not put off your work for tomorrow.
That means come at 8am and leave at 5pm, rain or shine. Spend your weekends with your family or friends.

2. Stay focus on your research and ask the right questions.
Constantly refine your research problem. Look at good theses on how to write problem statement, research gap and research underpinning. The examples include theses of Mazlina Mansor (2011), Zumahiran Kamaruddin (2011) and Nor Zalina Harun (2012).

3. Present solutions to your supervisor, not a problem.
This will lead to constructive discussion.

4. Write whatever you have gathered.
Open a file for each chapter and write any notes that your come across into it. For first year student, you can start writing a glossary, definition of terms, or operational meanings. I generally asked my students to summarize their reading for each article in a reading log.

5. Write papers for journal and conference, and share them with peers.
Start writing your first paper on your review of literature in a conference. Include the method of your review. Herewith, an example written by Nor Fadzila (2011).

6. Constantly discuss your findings with peers.
Keep telling your peers about what you have done even though he or she refuses to lend his or her ears to you. The prime listener is you.

7. Take a break after a long journey.
For example, after conducting a rigor field survey, spend one to two days with your family for a brief vacation.

8. Reward yourself after you hit a milestone.
During my PhD journey, I rewarded myself with a Casio watch once I attained a milestone, for example, when my paper was accepted by the journal editor for publication. At the end of my study, I had 5 Casio digital watches, each cost RM38.

9. Inform your spouse and children what you are doing and progressing.
Yes, they are part of your PhD.

10. Remind yourself that you plan to do you PhD in 3 years, only.

You will see the rainbow after the storm has passed.

p/s: if other can do, why dont you? ;)

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